Thursday, 13 March 2014


I imagine that when I write about our days of travel, with everything that goes sideways, the services that are anything but, the long hours and frustrations, readers must think I complain, am unhappy, disgusted with the time we are spending here. Anything but. To be sure, it can be trying. But in fact I am expressing my amazement that what I have seen to this point in my North American life as a simple, everyday experience - public transit - can be so completely fucked up. The towns we have visited, the people we have met, the lessons communities have revealed, and yes, the crazy, offensive, haphazard way in which the locals deem to move we Farang around in their countries are all part of a piece. At the end of these travel days I am in a funk. It is stressful. Though as I reflect, the memories of this trip that stand out most, and are the most humorous, are those days on which I have dwelt in this blog the longest. Not pretty, but without a doubt, some of the best. If what I have written would deter anyone from coming this way, then I have missed the mark. It all has been a total hoot. 

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