Sunday, 3 January 2016

Otres 2

We have been two sun filled, swimming-reading-beach walking-kayaking-exploring days at Otres 2 since we last spoke. It's been tough. Yesterday we walked to the Khmer village inland from the resort strip. Not a lot to see there but we did note a side road running east along the river. Once we had finished the rest of the day - that's where the swimming-reading-beach walking comes in - we returned to our digs to prepare for our evening. Our host told us that down the road we had earlier spied, a Khmer farmer had "sub-divided" a field, renting out small lots to Barang (westerners) on ten year leases at about $250 per month. Many of the tenants had built small homes and had cooperated in the building of a community building where, every Saturday night, the community comes together, sets up stalls selling food, home made clothing, jewelry, and bring in both locals and touring musicians who perform on a small stage. Well, hell. Kim and I had something to dress up for.

Around eight we hailed a tuk-tuk, obligatory negotiation ensued, and headed  over. Inside a large barn-like structure the venders had set up. Available was a wonderful array of foods - falafels, dahl, Khmer foods, pastries and cakes - and there were a couple of bars. Kim and I had our best meal since arriving in Cambodia (can't seem to regularly find good food in Cambodia), grabbed a drink and settled in to listen to some music. There had been a fellow playing folk standards during the first moments after our arrival but our attention was on food and drink. The next fellow to get up played mostly originals but it wasn't really our style (nor, did is seem, for anyone else in attendance). Next came a Khmer spoken word artist who, after spending his teenaged years in gangs followed by 16 years in prison, wrote and performed works focussing on developing community. Interesting stuff. As it was late (almost nine o'clock!) Kim and I had decided to head out but were there for the first few songs by the next artist, a British woman performing originals and a few Fiest tunes. She was quite good. 

The evening had a unusual feel to it. If I forget where I actually was, I could easily think I was at a music event on Salt Spring or Galiano, yet here we were in the Cambodian countryside. Below are some photos.

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