Carrie, this flower reminds me of your mom, it's fragrance is spicy, sweet and strong, just like her. The blossoms last a long time and only bloom on the dead wood, every time I walk by one I smell it and think of Echo.
The ocean anchors me like all of my family, it's strength, resilience, diversity, colours and life are always a source of renewal and utter joy.Audrey, my sweet this one is for you, xoxo,
My dear friend Cathy Brown, each time I see a bougainvillea I say to myself Cathy Brown can get those to bloom in Canada ! !
Lynnie, you do red better than anyone I know, so this my friend is for you.
Cyndi, I used to plant these in my baskets out front of my house each year, lantana, I believe they are called, they have a very interesting scent, spicy but not floral, since you are ensuring the safety of our house.....for you with my thanks....again
My Mayne Island community, the vast rice fields dominating the landscape have been my favourite sight, the many colours of green remind of the diverse population of a small community, I look forward to calling home one day......
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