Wednesday, 15 January 2014

A few quick images

On the  sleeper bus to Kompot, 40 people, 13 hours, sold as bed like seats (true) and a washroom (not true). An hour in a woman approaches the driver saying she was told there was a washroom and she's got to pee. 2 minutes later there are 15 of us standing/squatting on the side of the road pissing in the dirt.

In the van heading to the boarder from the offices where we go our visa. Five travellers in the van including a woman who had been with us from Bangkok. During that trip she fussed and complained, coughed endlessly but still smoked up a storm at each stop. Got huffy with her French boyfriend when he chatted briefly with a woman from France also travelling with us. A bit high maintenance as a travel mate. Almost at the border she yells, "I left my passport at the visa office"(she found it). Kim forgets to use her inside voice and in a very exasperated tone opines, "Well, fuck". Didn't even realized she said it.


Having dinner street side and the concierge buys two begging children (many, many people begging, children and adults) food at the vender across the street from us. We watched as they got their food, laughing and swinging their arms, perfectly animated as they walked down the street past us. As they came abreast of us they noticed us watching. Immediately the celebratory manner disappeared and the hang dog approach used by all the folks while asking for help seem to have. Couldn't keep it up though - their good fortune had ruined their shtick.


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